Dr. Erion-Vasilis Pikoulis received the Diploma degree in Computer Engineering and Informatics, the MSc degree in Signal Processing and Telecommunications and the PhD degree in Signal Processing for Seismic Applications from the University of Patras, Greece, in 2003, 2008, and 2015, respectively. Since 2015 he is a researcher at the Laboratory of Signal Processing and Telecommunications (SPClab), Computer Engineering and Informatics Department, University of Patras. In 2017 he worked as a visiting researcher at the Engineering Faculty, University of Greenwich, UK, while since 2019, he is also a Senior Researcher at the Multimedia Information Processing Systems (MIPS) Group, Industrial Systems Institute, Athena Research Center, Greece. His research interests include detection and estimation techniques, stochastic signal modeling, and more recently, machine learning with an emphasis on deep CNN applications related to automatic Sign Language translation and scene understanding in autonomous driving. Dr Pikoulis has had several successful collaborations with leading institutes both domestically and abroad, including the National Observatory of Athens, the Charles University, Prague and the NORSAR institute in Oslo. He has authored more than 15 articles published in scientific journals and presented in peer-reviewed conferences. He has participated as a researcher in several European and national projects.